
Danger - Trust Annual Report 1962

78 and 79 Kingsgate street
78 & 79 Kingsgate St. The illustrations are reproduced by photo lithography from the original aquaints by Gerhard Lenke. Original prints can be obtained for the price of 10/- each, half of which will be devoted to the St. Peter Chesil Appeal. Orders for the prints should be addressed to: The principal, School of Art, North Walls, Winchester

41 and 41A High Street
41 & 41A Kingsgate St.

The two illustrations by Gerhard Lemke show two important sites which are threatened. The Trust is pleased to report that the owners of No. 41 and 41A High Street at the west end of the Pentice are fully aware of the importance of their site and the Trust is co-operating to advise on a scheme for their restoration. These buildings are also on Mr. Garton's list of buildings which must not be lost on any account.

The second site relates to Nos. 78 & 79 Kingsgate Street, on the south side of Kings-gate Arch. Mr. Garton describes this as the area of the greatest concentration of unspoilt architecture outside the Cathedral Close. He recommends that these two houses should, amongst others, be transferred from Grade III to Grade II of the Section 30 list.

A scheme was put forward by the owners to demolish these two dwellings, to set back the building line, and rebuild houses with garages at street level. One would have thought that the inadvisability of manoeuvring cars in and out of garages close to a difficult corner and narrow archway would have daunted the promoters of the scheme. The Trust was pleased to note that the project was rejected by the City authorities. The future of this very important site, however, is still in doubt. While the houses have no outstanding architectural merit, they are extremely important when considered in relation to their surroundings. They have been neglected for many years and allowed to stand empty for a considerable period with defective roofs.