
Obituary Dennis Weller - Trust Annual Report 1968

We very much regret having to record the death of Dennis Weller at the early age of forty eight. He was a founder member of the Committee who was also our Secretary for several years. In addition to this, he played a major role in both the big Auction Sales which were held in aid of the St. Peter Chesil Appeal. These were the two events which made the largest contribution to the fund and both depended for their success very largely on his efforts.

His profession as estate agent had given him an intimate knowledge of the City for which he had a deep affection. At Committee meetings he always had a practical point of view to contribute, and his first thought was always for the people affected by planning proposals which were likely to rob them of their homes.

He will be sadly missed by us all. His contribution to the life of Winchester was not confined to work for the Preservation Trust, and we can ill afford to lose a citizen who was so public-spirited, and willing to work so hard for the community. He leaves a widow and two children to whom the Trust extends the deepest sympathy.