
52 and 54 Upper Brook Street - Trust Annual Report 1979

In May of this year the Trust was asked by the Director of Housing and Estates if they would be interested in taking a licence of these premises. Following a meeting on the site when the Chairman and Vice-Chairman discussed the matter further with the Director, the Trust offered to take these premises on a three year term and carry out first aid repairs pending a decision on the Town Centre Plan. In September of this year, however the Trust received another letter from the Director, stating that the appropriate Committee of the Council could not see their way to accepting our proposals, and are approaching the Secretary of State to determine their application for demolition of these properties.

The Trust is concerned over the possible unnecessary destruction of this building, particularly having regard to use to which it could be put. In addition to making a central Headquarters for the Trust, it would also be suitable for creating an Urban Studies Centre, a project the Trust has had in mind for some considerable time.