
M3 Motorway - Trust Annual Report 1988

The 1985 Public Inquiry re-opened on 29th September 1987, but after six weeks had to be adjourned owing to a failure on the part of the Department of Transport to book accommodation in the Guildhall or elsewhere. It re-opened again on 12th January 1988 and finally came to an end in March.

The length of the proceedings put a severe strain on the resources of the Winchester M3 Joint Action Group (JAG), which was represented at the Inquiry both by Counsel and by consulting engineers. In addition to supporting JAG, the Trust was also represented at the Inquiry by Dr. Christopher Gillham.

Throughout the lengthy proceedings, the Inspector, Air Vice-Marshal Charles Maughan, treated participants with conspicuous courtesy. His Report is not yet available and it would be rash in the extreme to predict what it will contain.