
Peninsula Barracks - Trust Annual Report 1991

As a result, presumably, of the recession, progress on the redevelopment of this very important site has been slow. As reported last year plans for the Lower Barracks site were submitted to Winchester City Council by Arundell House Securities. These have been the subject of considerable discussion with the City's Planning Department and, we understand that the original plans have been modified in certain important respects. The Trust hopes to obtain a presentation from the architects before the application for planning permission is formally considered by the City.

A feature of the original scheme to which the Trust objected was the inclusion of an underground car park providing 300 spaces for the public. This proposal if adopted would have been at the expense of the City. The Trust felt strongly that a central car park on this site would have a disastrous effect on traffic conditions in the area and would also prejudice the success of any Park & Ride scheme, and we therefore campaigned vigorously against it. In the event, the City decided to reduce the parking requirement to one hundred spaces for visitors to the museums on the Upper Barracks and whilst we feel that this is unnecessary and indeed not a very appropriate site for the purpose, we are relieved that the original proposal has been substantially modified.