
Trust Christmas Cards - TrustNews Sept 11

Christmas Card

Trust Christmas cards are now on sale at the charity cards shop in the Eighteen Café at the Winchester Guildhall. This will continue until Thursday 15 December 2011 (Monday – Saturday, 10.00am to 4.30pm). There are five Trust cards to choose from and we hope that you will find ones to suit your taste. There is a new card showing the inspiring architecture of Winchester Cathedral, North Aisle from an original painting by Patricia Spink. Two very different cards by the same artist are the beautifully painted scene from the Cathedral Nave South Aisle Windows with three doves blending in and secondly a Christmas theme of an aspect of the Discovery Centre, which is one of Winchester’s most distinctive recreations in recent years. There is a card by Sir Colin Stansfield Smith entitled “Brightly shone the moon that night”, which is a scene from the cloister garth of surviving walls of the Norman Chapter House, a card which was popular last year. Finally “The Buttercross at Christmas” is a colourful design by Christopher Jarman of this well known monument. We are most grateful to the artists for this way of supporting the City of Winchester Trust’s activities.

We wish members of the Trust a very happy Christmas and New Year.