
Visit to the Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey - TrustNews Mar 16

Visit to the Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey - 12th April. The programme for this visit is now complete. As set out in the December issue of TrustNews, we will visit, with a guide, the Gallery for the major works of George Frederick Watts and exhibitions of tiles by William de Morgan. Also, Limnerlease House, home of Watts and his wife Mary which was designed by Sir Ernest George and includes gezzo ceilings created by Mary (photo below).

We will take a light lunch together. This is essential because the café is small and easily overwhelmed. Our order is for homemade quiche and salad and tea/coffee. Wine is available. If a vegetarian meal is required, please indicate when you book.

We will also visit the Chapel, which Mary created in memory of her husband and which sits in an island of tranquillity with a dazzling interior. Grade I listed.

Travel: By car, an easy 60-75 minutes from Winchester. Parking next to the Gallery.

Some walking necessary: About 10 minutes up to Limnerlease House and the same, downhill, to the chapel. No wheelchair access to these buildings.

Overall time: 10am to 4pm. Inclusive cost: £35.00 Application by form enclosed or by e-mail to Secretary. Apply not later than 21st March

10 -10.30am – Tea, coffee and biscuits in the Old Kiln
10.30-11.45am – Tour of Limnerlease House (including walking time)
11.45 - 12.15pm – Explore the Watts studios, adjacent to the house
12.15 -12.30pm – Return to Old Kiln for lunch
2.30 - 1.30pm – Lunch
1.30 - 2.15pm – Gallery tour
2.15 - 3.30pm – Tour of Chapel (including walking time)
Depart at leisure.

Limnerlease Ceiling

Iain Patton.