
TrustNews Dec 22

Planning Appraisal Group

We report on the Group's work over the last quarter


Summing up the last quarter's work it has become all too clear how interlinked planning issues in the city truly are.


The Trust's work on planning in Winchester encompasses all levels. At the top is the overarching policy work we do, for example on the Local Plan, and not forgetting our ongoing efforts to persuade the Council of the essential need for a strategic plan for development in the City. In the middle is our longstanding work on the proposed major development areas, particularly Station Approach and the regeneration of the Central Area. And at a more local level, there is the crucial work of the PAG panels in commenting on individual planning applications, which is so important in safeguarding the special characteristics of our historic city.


All these levels came together recently in two planning applications for central Winchester: the proposed demolition of the old Friarsgate Medical Centre and the redevelopment of the RAOB building in Cross Keys Passage. PAG panels and those working on the Central Area and the Local Plan collaborated on the Trust's formal response to the two applications - you can read what we said (Central Winchester Regeneration)


Otherwise the panels have had a relatively quiet quarter, with a much smaller number of applications to deal with than usual. It is unclear why this is the case, although we can certainly speculate whether uncertainty about the cost of living crisis, the spiralling price of materials and other factors has led people to postpone renovations and improvements for the time being.


Once again we thank the PAG panels! Members who are all volunteers, for carrying out their important work.


The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being influenced by vested interests or persona! matters. individuals who believe their interests are being affected by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more influence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.