
TrustNews Dec 22

A planning merry-go-round?

Patrick Davies on the uncertainty surrounding the government's planning policy


As we report on (Local Plan), the Trust, and individual members, will be responding to the City Council's new consultation on its draft Local Plan.


The City Council has decided to proceed now despite numerous uncertainties about national government planning policies. As a result some neighbouring local authorities are deferring work on their local plans. it remains unclear when precisely the Government will clarify these outstanding issues.


House building targets for local authorities have been an integral part of the local plan process, but the last Prime Minister and the then Secretary of State vowed to change the system and remove the national directive. ln addition the so-called "Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill" has been slowly making its way through Parliament for the past six months, with significant changes proposed for the National Planning Policy Framework and the local plans system.


The Secretary of State, Michael Gove, who started this process, has now returned to the job following two other short-lived colleagues. It's now unclear how and when the bill will proceed.


The other major change in the wider planning system which may have consequences for this area, is the concept of "lnvestment Zones". The previous Chancellor announced their creation in September and included Southampton as one of those areas he favoured. Other councils were invited to express interest within weeks, and though no list has yet appeared, press reports suggest Portsmouth, the Isle of Wight, Dorset and Bournemouth may have done so.


Precise rules for these have yet to appear but tax incentives are an integral inducement for their success. Local authority boundaries in Hampshire are fairly artificial so what does or doesn't happen in our neighbouring authorities might have a significant impact on Winchester.


By the time you read this the Chancellor will have made his 17 November financial statement, and we will know whether it touched on these issues.


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