
TrustNews Jun 22

Planning Appraisal Group

We report on the group's work over the last quarter.


The last few months of planning applications reviewed by our four PAG panels haven't included anything too controversial, with the possible exception of the plans for a large McDonalds in the car park of the Tesco at Winnall. PAG panel members recently met with representatives of McDonalds and their PR company to hear more about the proposed development, and passed on concerns about increased and possibly superfluous signage and traffic and congestion.


The implications for the City of the rise in applications for student housing are also of concern to the Trust, whether for the conversion of houses into ‘Houses of Multiple Occupation’ (HMOs) or purpose built.


One thing that is always extremely frustrating for the panels is when planning applications are posted on the City Council's website without the documentation we need to assess them properly. Sometimes the most basic information is not available to view, including plans and elevations, floorplans and even the application form itself. It is not clear whether this is because they have not been provided by the applicant, or have simply not been uploaded to the website.


In March, PAG panel members met with Julie Pinnock, WCC's service lead for the built environment, who is responsible for development control. We were able to raise a number of issues, most importantly how PAG can ensure its comments on applications are as useful and relevant as possible. We look forward to continuing our discussions at these regular meetings with Julie.


The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being in?uenced by vested interests or personal matters. Individuals who believe their interests are being affected by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more in?uence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.

Once again we thank the PAG panel members, who are all volunteers, for carrying out their important work. We have a number of vacancies on our panels at present, so if you have an interest in planning and development in Winchester and would like to become a member of a panel, please contact Tessa {secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk} it's not a big commitment - just an hour or two per month - and no experience is necessary - training will be provided.


The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being influenced by vested interests or personal matters. Individuals who believe their interests are being affected by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more influence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.