a City of Winchester Trust - TrustNews Jun 22 - Summer Walks


TrustNews Jun 22

Summer Walks

Places for our summer walks programme are going fast and many are already full.

King Alfred's Statue on a plinth of Cornish (Penryn) granite
King Alfred's Statue on a plinth of Cornish (Penryn) granite

At the time of writing there were spaces available on the following walks:


Winchester in Stone with John Parker (28 July)


Have you ever thought about the construction of the buildings that make up the Winchester we know today? From flint to brick, from Quarr, Caen and Malmstone to Portland Stone and Purbeck marble, the stone that makes up the city is many and varied, and provides a fascinating way of looking at its history from a different perspective. John's walk will start at the Cathedral, and will take in the Guildhall and the High Street.


Hyde Abbey with Anna Withers (4 August)


Anna Withers is an experienced and knowledgeable Winchester Cathedral Guide and is the co-author of the booklet Heroes & Villains of Winchester Cathedral . She gives talks on the Cathedral and on Hyde Abbey.


If you would like to join one of these walks, or be added to the waiting list for one of the walks that is currently full, please email Tessa at secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk