
TrustNews Sep 22

Summer Walks 2022

This year's summer walks programme ended with a walk around the site of Hyde Abbey on 18 August. We were pleased to be able to offer a full programme this year, after two years of disruption caused by the pandemic, and it was truly heartening to have every walk full and most oversubscribed, and to hear such positive comments from the walkers.


The walks covered a varied selection of sites and subjects, from Hockley Viaduct to Winnall Moors Nature Reserve, from the Hospital of St Cross to The Castle, and from the stones that make up Winchester’s buildings to the history of Canon Street.


We would like to thank our guides, all of whom are volunteers, for giving up their time to share their knowledge and enthusiasm, and for making this year's programme such a success.


If you have an idea for a summer walk or would like to volunteer as a guide, please contact Tessa at secretary@cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk