TrustNews Sep 22
Regenerating the Central Winchester Area
Richard Baker on the latest developments
Last January, the Council decided to proceed with a procurement process for the selection of a single development partner. In March a procurement brochure was produced by the Council and their consultants, Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL), inviting developers to express their interest.
On the basis of the information in the brochure, the Trust is concerned at the lack of a comprehensive brief covering the extensive issues that need to be considered for the regeneration of the Central Area (formerly known as Silver Hill).
The Local Plan Part II was adopted by the Council in 2017. Policy WIN 4 - Silver Hill mixed use site - sets out proposals and principles for a comprehensive mixed use development covering uses, design, historic context, public realm, pedestrian and cycle access, landscape, buses, coaches, traffic, car parking, archaeology and flood risk.
The Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) adopted in 2018, prepared by JTP for the area, complied with policy WIN 4.
The procurement brochure makes no mention of WIN 4, and excludes mention of many aspects of the SPD. The site area has been reduced from 4.5 hectares to 3.67 acres (1.48 hectares) by omitting the bus hub located at the Middle Brook Street car park, St. Clements Surgery and the Woolstaplers Hall, the public realm, Lower High Street and The Broadway. This indicates a reduced vision for regenerating the area to that set out in the SPD.
It is understood that the Council has drawn up a short list of three candidate developers. The Trust will continue to monitor this selection process and the basis on which development is to take place.