
Landscape - TrustNews Spring 1995

Damage caused by parking cars in Middle Brook Street Car Park

There have been a number of large new development schemes needing comment both to ensure that good existing trees are retained and suitably incorporated in the new works and also to look at the proposed landscaping and planting. These include, West Downs School student accommodation, Winchester School of Art in Park Avenue, and student accommodation at Winnall. Several schemes needed meetings where a team from the Trust met developers and Architects, and the Casson Block in St George's Street was one where objection was submitted to the felling of the Norway Maple trees and success was achieved. The Peninsula Barracks scheme has involved a lot of study on the landscaping and is still continuing. This is an exceptional opportunity and hopefully will provide a pleasant open space for people of Winchester as well as the residents.

Comments have also been submitted on the tree planting scheme for the new Waterworks site at Bar End.

The planting of new trees has been pursued but it is disappointing that the funding by the City involves about 30 new trees of which most are replacements mainly from vandalism. The Trust has agreed to sponsor new tree planting and, after meetings with the City Chief Engineer, decided to concentrate on Middle Brook Street Car Park - a desolate area seen by so many people living nearby, visiting or shopping in the City. It is essential to adequately protect the trees from damage caused by cars parking right against the Ash trees on Friarsgate frontage (see photographs right) to the extent that these trees are unlikely to grow to maturity, in fact are showing crown die-back now. About 10 extra-heavy size trees, should be planted by the end of February and also three Lime trees on Eastgate/ Friarsgate corner which we proposed last year.

Damage caused by parking cars in Middle Brook Street Car Park
Damage caused by parking cars in Middle Brook Street Car Park

Planting in areas other than grass involves a lot of research into underground services and contacting electricity, water, gas and telephone organisations. This is often the deterrent for new trees in the City Centre, but we hope to overcome this with the co-operation of the Engineer's Department who have agreed to undertake the research, preparation of the tree pits, protective measures and arrange for the planting.

Cable television is starting to be installed in Winchester involving extensive trenches, and we are particularly concerned about damage to tree roots. Should members see work going on near trees please contact the Aboricultural officer in City Planning Department (848177 or 848293).

Gillian Bauer