a City of Winchester Trust - TrustNews Jun 22 - Transport planning for Hampshire


TrustNews Jun 22

Transport planning for Hampshire

Richard Baker reports on a new consultation that gives residents a chance to comment on Hampshire's plans for transport for the next ten years.


Hampshire County Council has a statutory requirement to have a Local Transport Plan (LTP), which sets out its vision for future transport and travel infrastructure.


As a result, the County Council has produced a Draft Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4). It sets out the County Council's proposed policies and proposals for transport within Hampshire, looking ahead to 2050, and is out for public consultation until 26 June 2022. A ?nal version is expected to be adopted by early 2023.


LTP3 was produced in 2011; LTP4 states that this Transport Plan is no longer relevant to today's challenges and opportunities. Part A of LTP3 contained a Long Term Strategy (2011-2031). For Winchester, the Strategy stated that a traffic management plan was under development with the potential for radical revisions to traffic routeing, including the possibility of the removal of the existing one-way system and in the longer term an aspiration to minimise traffic in the core of the city area. A Movement Strategy is being developed for Winchester, but almost nothing has been realised so far. Little is said about the Movement Strategy in LTP4, but its principles and policies are in line with the main objective of the Strategy of reducing the amount of traffic in the city centre, which the Trust supports.


LTP4 sets out priorities for transport that are within the responsibilities of the County Council. It does not set out policies for motorways, trunk roads and railways, which are the responsibility of national bodies.


The vision of LTP4 is a carbon neutral, resilient and inclusive transport system, designed around people, which supports health, wellbeing and quality of life for all, supports a prosperous economy and protects the environment.


Transport Plan for Hampshire

To achieve this vision, LTP4 aims to decrease the use of the private car by integrated land use and transport planning that will reduce the need to travel, encourage walking and cycling and make public transport attractive and affordable.


The County recognises that land use planning is not integrated as well as it could be. Transport is the responsibility of the County Council, while planning decisions are made by District and Borough Councils. The location of housing, employment and retail has led to increased travel, mainly by car.


LTP4 is long on policy but short on detailed measures of how implementation will achieve the desired results.


For Winchester city, Policy DM1 (to integrate transport and strategic land-use planning to reduce the need for travel) and policy DM2 (to support proactive master planning of new development sites for high quality neighbourhoods) are policies the Trust has long advocated.


The Trust will publish its response on the Trust website in June, so that members can use it to help make your own responses by 26th June.


The link to the relevant page on the HCC website is hants.gov.uk/aboutthecouncil/haveyoursay/consultations/local-transport-plan