a City of Winchester Trust - TrustNews Jun 22 - Thirty Years Ago in TrustNews


TrustNews Jun 22

Thirty Years Ago in TrustNews

In a new series, we look back at topical Issues from 30 years ago


Back in summer 1992, the Trust's office, the Heritage Centre, was still also an exhibition centre. A special Eurotunnel exhibition, plus revolving displays on William Walker, Magdalen Hill Butterfly Reserve and Roger Brown‘s part model of Winchester in 1871 were on display in June.


The newsletter included a report on the 1992 urban planning lecture series entitled ‘Visions of Winchester‘, organised by the Trust's (now defunct) Urban Studies Committee. This "bridged the gap that so often separates planners, architects and citizens, and a sense of common purpose and responsibility for the future of an urban environment was evident throughout.”


Sara Dick-Reid wrote about Winchester's two ancient libraries: the Cathedral Library and the Fellows‘ Library of Winchester College. A new report by the English Historic Towns Forum, Townscape in Trouble, highlighted concerns about conservation areas in England, and there were articles on the Trust's comments on planning applications and the summer walks programme, still important parts of the Trust's activities.


You can read the complete articles from the Summer 1992 TrustNews by going to our online archive, where past issues of TrustNews dating back to 1985 are available. The online archive is at cityofwinchestertrust.co.uk/archives