TrustNews Mar 22
Chairman's Jottings
l would think that everybody is well aware that Winchester lacks positive forward planning in the way it develops the city's future. There is a current local plan which is in the process of being updated. This however, is for the whole of Winchester District, and is inadequate for providing the detail required for our complex city, which has a precious and sensitive historical core that can easily be affected by indifferent planning decisions, leading to damaging development and questionable traffic management.
We have for many many years called for an imaginative, comprehensive, city-wide strategic plan. This seems an obvious route to resolve many of the complex and detailed issues that affect Winchester. Such a plan provides a tool that gives an understanding to all concerned as to what is expected now and in the future from any development proposals. Listed below are possible development sites to give some idea of the impact these areas could have not only city-wide, but on Winchester's historic core.
Potential development areas
Station Approach (Carfax and Cattle market sites)
Central car park sites
Outer city car parking
Bushfield Camp
Hospital/University sites
Sir John Moore Barracks
Housing sites in general
We are aware that Winchester City Council is reluctant to consider any such city-wide forward planning, which we are told is on the grounds of expenditure. The Trust finds it diffiult to understand how, in the absence of an overall strategic plan, the ripple effect a large scheme could have not only the city centre, but on the wider city context as well, can be recognised and understood. Such a plan should, of course, also include a comprehensive movement strategy. A Neighbourhood Plan for Winchester city (this is a Government initiative), might be one way of achieving a comprehensive way forward.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape where they want new homes, shops and offices to built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like, and what infrastructure should be provided, and grant permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Such scrutiny would be undertaken in conjunction with the local authority planning department. Following the rules set by the Government, the local authority has to co-operate with the process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to plan for the types of development that meet their community's needs and the priorities of the wider area.
The Trust has been researching the feasibility of a Neighbourhood Plan for the city, but has begun to realise that it would be a difficult and protracted exercise to organise such a plan for a city the size of Winchester.
We are not discounting the exercise, but we are also looking into alternative ways that could provide Winchester with a way forward that gives confidence in planning for the city's future. We know from Civic Voice that other towns of an equivalent population with similar problems have produced comprehensive strategic plans, and we are in the process of studying these.
Thank you to everyone who has provided such positive comments about the new look TrustNews. We are very keen to get your ideas for future articles, so do please send them in. We welcome letters to the editor too, about the articles or your thoughts about relevant issues in the city. Contributions can be posted to the office or emailed to
Keith Leaman