TrustNews Mar 22
Planning Appraisal Group
PAG Chair Graeme Stevenson reports on the group's work over the last quarter.
During the past quarter, PAG panels have continued to carry out their roles with dedication and foresight in assessing the weekly lists of planning applications.
Tessa Robertson, the Trust's secretary, recently carried out a brief analysis of the outcome of the planning applications in 2021 to which the Trust's panels had objected. Although further analysis still needs to be done, the initial findings show that of nearly 60 objections made by the Trust, some 40 were granted planning consent without any conditions that would have made them more acceptable to the Trust. There are a few caveats, but nevertheless it is a disheartening and sobering statistic. Without feedback or clarification from the Council, there is a danger in leaving the Trust (and PAG) in a quandary as to the effectiveness of our participation.
It is quite a responsibility for PAG members to envisage the consequences of a proposed development being granted planning consent and then pass judgement, when often the information provided is scant. This requires panel members to make site visits and do extensive research to form meaningful assessments. For those developments which have been granted planning consent and taken through to completion, PAG members rarely have the opportunity to view the projects once completed.
It was, therefore, very gratifying to receive a welcome overview from Richard Baker, one of our PAG panel members, following his visits to some of the more controversial developments upon which the Trust had commented and expressed concerns. Richard's personal observations are reprinted below with his consent, as they provide an excellent example of a study which could be adopted for future regular visits. Any conclusions drawn could generate meaningful discussions at the quarterly meetings we have with Julie Pinnock, the City Council's service lead for the built environment.
Such visits could be carried out by PAG members, when relevant, to assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of their comments in each case. This final stage would complete the cycle of planning ppraisals carried out by the panels.
Review of completed developments by Richard Baker
With the sun out this morning l took the above photographs to consider the outcome of schemes the Trust has commented on.
The first is the cafe in St Thomas Street at the junction with St Clement Street. An application was made to paint the ground floor pink. Our panel was concerned about the loss of detail that would arise as a result. Objection was made to painting the fascia, pilasters, windows and stall risers in one colour. Permission was granted and the work has been carried out. As a rule, individual elements of buildings in the conservation area are highlighted through the use of materials and colour. My view is that this permission has set an unfortunate precedent. Others may think otherwise.
The next is the new shopfront for the the fish and chip restaurant on the ground floor of the Guildhall. We thought that this was an inappropriate use for a major civic building. The shopfront has been carefully designed to complement the stone walls, and l think now, on seeing the completed scheme and signage, that the design and use is acceptable.
The next is a view from Domum Road of the multi-storey car park on the Vaultex site. On the bank are pieces of sacking, protecting newly planted saplings. In summer, foliage on the trees, together with the maturing saplings, will screen the MSCP from the houses in Domum Road.
The next left is the MSCP nearing completion. To the east are the Water Meadows. Walking along the navigation canal, the MSCP cannot be seen behind the winter trees. Whether the visual impact will change when the MSCP is lit at night remains to be seen. I think the fear that the MSCP would have a detrimental visual impact on the Water Meadows has not been realised.
I think it does show how testing it is for Councillors, officers and PAG panels to fully appreciate and visualise the impact of planning applications when making decisions. To visit completed schemes hopefully aids the learning process.
Richard Baker
Once again we thank the PAG panel members, who are all volunteers, for carrying out their important work.
The Trust welcomes informative comments from local people, but must avoid being influenced by vested interests or personal matters. Individuals who believe their interests are being affected by proposed schemes are advised to contact their Ward Councillors, who have more influence over such matters. If you would like to see details of Trust objections to planning applications and their fate, please go to the monthly PAG reports on our website.