
31 MARCH 2004

chairman's Report

This year members will notice a change in the format of the Annual Report. Now that we send out regular quarterly newsletters to report the activities of the Trust to members, this annual report will be confined mainly to comments on projects and activities for which budgetary provision was made during the financial year. Inevitably there are some items which did not reach completion and will be carried forward. In addition the report contains the necessary statutory disclosures.

This is also an opportunity to thank members who give so generously of their time and talents to further the work of the Trust. In October Roger Backhouse had to retire for health reasons and we thank him for all he did as Chairman for 2 years. I would also like to record special thanks to the three Vice-Chairmen who have contributed much wisdom and good advice in addition to tireless practical help.

Many one-off projects have been imdertaken during the year. Underpinning these, the Trust is dependent on the chairmen and members of committees who oversee the work of publicity, policy making, organizing the popular summer walks programme and raising funds with book and Christmas card sales. Dick Selwood has given valuable help in maintaining our website and in the field of Structure Plans and Local planning we are fortunate in having the advice of Harvey Cole. However, the most onerous and unrelenting task of all, scrutiny of all the development applications submitted in Winchester, is borne by Shione Carden. With the help of Mark Dodd and two volunteer panels, the planning office is visited weekly to inspect plans and then comments are submitted on behalf of the Trust. In the case of major or controversial applications, she also organizes presentations by the developers to a larger group of members. Finally, The Trust is indebted to our very efficient and capable Honorary Treasurer who has produced these accounts.

As our sole part-time employee, we are fortunate to have Rolly Thomas who, skilfully and with a wry sense of humour, keeps us all working to achieve the aims of the Trust.

As our activities and interests are concemed with Winchester and its setting, we are grateful to officers of the City Council who attend our meetings from time to time and are always willing to give us advice and respond to our enquiries. We are also grateful to Hampshire County Council for their continuing support, advice and grant.


Listed during the year to 31st March 2004:


Listed during the year to March 31st 2004:

Plans for the future


The City of Winchester Trust Ltd. (The Trust) was founded in 1957 and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1958. As such it has no share capital. It is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association, which was last amended in 2000. The Trust is registered as Company number 609812 and Charity Number 251798.


The Trust's objects are fully described in the Memorandum of Association. They can be summarised as follows:

To seek to conserve the character of the City of Winchester and its surrounding area by:


The Council has responsibility for the management and control of the Trust. However certain financial functions are delegated to the Finance and Resources Committee, and other panels and groups are formed and their leaders appointed by Council for specific purposes, projects and continuing activities. Council members are elected for three years at the Annual General Meeting but may stand for re-election at the end of their term.

Council members act as trustees of the charity and directors of the company limited by guarantee.


The investment powers of the Council are given by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Property investment is either used for charitable purposes or to produce income to fulfil those charitable purposes. This means that the Heritage Centre is used for the operation of the Trust, and the two small flats are let to provide income for the Trust because membership subscriptions alone would not generate enough income to enable the Trust to carry out all its projects and activities.

Monetary investments are invested in listed investments. The policy applicable to equity-based investment is designed to produce income while seeking capital growth and longer-term security for the Trust’s investments. The policy applicable to fixed interest and variable interest investment is to produce the greatest income whilst ensuring that there is no loss of capital. Monetary investments are managed by an independent advisor within policies set out by the Council.


The Trust adopts the policy of revaluing its property every five years, commencing 31 March 2003.


The annual accounts show the assets and liabilities attributable to the funds by type and which are approved by the Council. The Council plans its expenditure within available resources whilst maintaining reserves which gives the Trust flexibility to achieve its aims.


The Council has reviewed the major risks to which the Trust is exposed, as identified by the Council, and is satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate those risks.


Within its accounting policies the Trust now defines its various funds as follows:

Restricted Funds are funds subject to specific conditions within the objects of the charity.

Unrestricted Funds are funds where no restrictions are placed on the use by the charity upon either the capital or the income. The unrestricted funds are divided between:


It is a requirement of company law for the Council to prepare financial statements for each accounting period. They must give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Trust and of the surplus or deficit for that period. The Council must:

The Council is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which should be able to disclose at any time the financial position of the Company and enable the Council to ensure compliance with the Companies Act 1985. The Council is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Trust and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other financial irregularities.


Butler & Co. have been appointed as Reporting Accountants and will be proposed for re-appointment.


This Report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act, 1985 relating to Small Companies.

On behalf of the Council

signed Mrs P Edwards
6th July 2004