
How to Search this Website

The search facility above includes all the web pages on this site including all the publications and all the Back Issues of TrustNews.

Type your search term in the box above. The Search result will list all the pages containing the term then select the page you wish to view. To enable you to quickly find all the instances of the term in the page you should highlight and copy the term in the Search Box using the right click on your mouse. Press 'Enter'and then select from the search list which page you want to view by clicking the highlighted section.

For Internet Explorer and Firefox users: Click on the 'edit' button on the toolbar with the selected page on display, then click on the 'Find on this page' . Paste or type your search term into the 'Find' box. Then press 'enter' once for each entry of your search term to be highlighted in the main text.

For AOL users: Just the same, but instead of 'Find on this page' the box is called 'Find in top window'