
31 MARCH 2009

Chairman's Report

This annual report comments on projects and activities for which budgetary provision was made during the financial year. Inevitably there are some items which did not reach completion and will be carried forward. The report contains the necessary statutory disclosures.


Work continued at an increased rate with the compilation of a book about the conservation areas of the city, based upon studies by Andrew Rutter, formerly Conservation Officer for Winchester City Council. This project proved a larger undertaking than initially thought and this led to an increase in the number of members involved and their time spent on detailed editing. The book, entitled "Winchester, the Heart of a City" will be published in the autumn of 2009 by P & G Wells Limited in association with the Trust.

The Landscape Group, long in abeyance, came to life again. Its first large project is to bring up to date a tree survey which was carried out many years ago but which was completely hampered by being in manuscript. A typed, digitised version was commissioned and the group will embark on this mammoth task.

The Trust's work on the draft Local Development Framework, in continued preparation by the City Council, increased during the year covered by this report. Our activity was particularly concerned with two parts of the draft plan. First, the proposal to create a "Knowledge Park" at Bushfield Down on the site of the wartime Army camp with the rest of the Church Commissioners‘ land being dedicated to public open space. While the latter would be a benefit, the size of buildings necessary for such activities as might be expected in such a "park" would be a substantial blot on one of the most important parts of the city's setting. The second aspect to engage our attention was the apparent desire to facilitate development at Barton Farm earlier than had seemed possible. Both proposals generated a great deal of work for the Policy Group and will continue to do so.

The Trust has supported WARG (The Society for Winchester archaeology and local history) in its excavations at the Hospital of St Cross by funding that group's report of the results of the dig.


As always, the Planning Appraisal Group, led by Shione Carden, has been most active though the pressures which I reported last year diminished towards the last quarter of the year under report. The flow of applications to the local authority slackened considerably as did requests by developers to present their plans to us. These changes reflect the changed economic situation.

Summer walks continued to attract excellent support from both members and non members. The programme of evening talks in the winter months also had good attendances and rewarded the foresight of Chris Pile who was responsible for both activities. We are fortunate in having John Beveridge to take on the responsibility for 2009.

TrustNews continued to thrive under the direction of David Marklew. Four editions appeared during the year with three running to 12 pages, two with full colour illustrations. Circulation is about 600 copies. The aim has been to make TrustNews more topical and informative. A new series of profiles of "Trust People" keeps members informed of who does what in the Trust. Special thanks are due to our printer, Alan Waters, who designs the layout, to Matthew Huntley who corrects the proofs, to our hard working label stickers and envelope stuffers and to Kings Worthy Post Office for helping with the bulk mailing.

The Trust website wwwcityofwinchestertrust.co.uk has been completely revamped. It is more topical and easier to navigate. A mass of new content has been added. 12 booklets previously published by the Trust can be found there and also back numbers of TrustNews.

The picture gallery contains over 200 photographs from the archives and more are added as they are digitised. An index of the many thousands of documents in the archives is being refined by our Archivist, Nick Hirst, and this is available on the website. The website has become an important resource for researchers and for attracting new members. The site has been attracting over 90 "hits" a month with each visitor browsing an average of 18 pages. We are most grateful to our volunteer, Barrie Brinkman, who has designed and constructed the site.

Sales of "Time Gentlemen, Please!" slowed in the year under report but continued to provide a useful source of revenue. Phil Yates's donation of the rights of his book to the Trust has been recognised by making him an honorary life member.

During the year, the indomitable Jo Gordon-Watson ran a successful book sale in St Maurice's Covert and also organised the sale of the Trust's Christmas cards in the charity card shop in the Guildhall. The cards were an impressive rendering of the north transept of the cathedral by Tricia Spink and a reproduction of a picture of the Westgate which was donated to the Trust by ]effrey Smith, a former Chairman and founder member, in memory of Patricia Edwards. Our thanks to Jo and also to those who help her with both activities, which provide welcome funds.

Recruitment of new members was satisfactory and led to a most successful meeting for new members which enabled them to meet established members in the agreeable setting of the Music School of Winchester College. This was possible through the generosity of the Headmaster.

Plans for the future

Public Benefit

In setting objectives for the year, the Trust Council has given careful consideration to the Charity Commission's general guidance on public benefit and are mindful of the need to report on how their aims have been achieved during the year. The Trust was founded in 1957 for the purposes and objects set out later in this report and continues to carry out its work in serving the public interest.


As always, the Trust depends on its members for its work and the extent of what can be done is govemed by the numbers involved and their available time. We always need more help! I extend grateful thanks to all those whose contributions, large or small, make the Trust work. In particular, Shione Carden, who makes the Planning Advisory Group run so smoothly, Patrick Davies, who runs the Policy Group with quiet efficiency and great effect, David Marklew who has reinvigorated TrustNews and the web site and will turn his hand to anything and John Stanning who minds the Trust office on Fridays, and helps with other administrative matters. In my role as Chairman, I could not continue without the great support and friendship of Michael Carden and Robin Merton, Vice-Chairmen, of Peter Radcliffe, our rock steady Treasurer and of Vicky Feldwick, our Secretary, who remains calm at all times and conjures information so easily from her computer.

The President, His Honour judge Christopher Clark Q.C. in addition to his presence at Trust events, maintains a keen interest in our activities and his measured advice and support is invaluable.

Governing Document

The City of Winchester Trust Ltd. (the Trust) was founded in 1957 and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1958. As such it has no share capital. The liability of individual members is limited to a sum not exceeding five pence.

It is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association, which was last amended in 2000. The Trust is registered as Company number 00609812 and Charity Number 251798.

Organisational Structure

The Council has responsibility for the management and control of the Trust. However certain financial functions are delegated to the Finance and Resources Committee, and other panels and groups are formed and their leaders appointed by Council for specific purposes, projects and continuing activities. Council members are elected for three years at the Annual General Meeting but may stand for re-election at the end of their term.

Council members act as trustees of the charity and directors of the company limited by guarantee.

The Objects of the Trust

The Trust’s objects are fully described in the Memorandum of Association. They can be summarised as follows:

To seek to conserve the character of the City of Winchester and its surrounding area by:

Investment Powers and Policies

The investment powers of the Council are given by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Property investment is either used for charitable purposes or to produce income to fulfil those charitable purposes. This means that the Heritage Centre is used for the operation of the Trust, and the two small flats are let to provide income for the Trust because membership subscriptions alone would not generate enough income to enable the Trust to carry out all its projects and activities.

Monetary investments are invested in listed investments. The policy applicable to equity-based investment is designed to produce income while seeking capital growth and longer-term security for the Trust’s investments. The policy applicable to fixed interest and variable interest investment is to produce the greatest income whilst ensuring that there is no loss of capital. Monetary investments are managed by an independent advisor within policies set out by the Council.

Property Revaluation Policy

The Trust adopts the policy of revaluing its property every five years, commencing 31 March 2003.

Reserves Policy

The annual accounts show the assets and liabilities attributable to the funds by type and which are approved by the Council. The Council plans its expenditure within available resources whilst maintaining reserves which gives the Trust flexibility to achieve its aims.

Risk Management

The Council has reviewed the major risks to which the Trust is exposed, as identified by the Council, and is satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate those risks.

Council Responsibilities

It is a requirement of company law for the Council to prepare financial statements for each accounting period. They must give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Trust and of the surplus or deficit for that period. The Council must:

The Council is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which should be able to disclose at any time the financial position of the Company and enable the Council to ensure compliance with the Companies Act 1985. The Council is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Trust and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other financial irregularities.

Independent Examiners

Butler & Co. have been appointed as Independent Examiners and will be proposed for re-appointment.

Small Company Status

This Report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part VII of the Companies Act, 1985 relating to Small Companies.

On behalf of the Council

signed I A D Patton
7th July 2009