
31 MARCH 2015

Chairman's Report

During the year we have welcomed three new members to the Trust Council. Rodney Morgan- Giles, Mary Tiles and Nick Gibbins. Mary has volunteered to take over the exacting Planning Appraisal Group, which monitors and comments on the latest planning applications. There are now four panels, each with a chairman who report their comments to Mary, who collates them and puts them into an order for external consumption. This is a very simplistic description of the job. Currently Shione Carden is monitoring the process to a point where Mary can take over. Nick Gibbins has volunteered to take over the accounts from Peter Radcliffe. Nick has already been overlapping with Peter and there will continue to be a staged handover.

On behalf of the Council, l should like to thank both Peter and Shione for their enormous contribution to the City of Winchester Trust and l am glad to say that they have volunteered to stay on the Trust Council, but hopefully undertaking a less stressful workload!

l also have to announce that Antony Proudman and Nick McPherson have decided to retire from the Council. They are both long standing members and on behalf of the Trust l should like to thank them for their contribution over the years. We are going to miss their presence, but we hope to see them at some if not all of our extemal events.

This year there have been the outings to Famborough Air Museum and Famborough Abbey, to Chichester for the Cathedral and an architectural tour and a visit to Longford Castle. These events have been ably organised by lain Patton and Sue Owers. They are becoming an important contribution to the Trust's activities; they are obviously popular because they are fully booked and have proved to be fascinating and inspirational. Thank you lain and Sue and your organising team.

Last year and for a number of years, John Beveridge organised the spring/summer walks around Winchester and these proved to be very successful. John handed the job of organising the walks to Paul Williams. I am not sure that Paul knew what he was taking on, but once again it is proving to be a programme full of diverse interests and attracting a large number of Trust members. Thank you Paul.

At the end of last year, David Marklew volunteered to organise the Trust Awards Scheme for 2015. At the time of writing this process has only just started so by the time you read this report the schemes should be available for viewing. Once again David has organised this efficiently. It is not easy getting architects to deliver their projects on time, so thank you David.

The Trust Council has been struggling to find ways to interest a wider audience. Members are our life blood, and Winchester is what we care about - we would have thought the same applies to most people who live here. We realise that not everybody agrees with some of our deliberations on schemes but they are genuinely and honestly arrived at and we do often have heavy discussions in Council before issuing important statements. We also recognise that our communications systems could be improved by widening the scope and interest of the information that is available.

To improve the communication scope does mean spending money. it also means some dedicated volunteers who are willing to be educated to cope with the latest computer technology. However on this note l should like to thank Barrie Brinkman for designing, updating our current web-site. He also continues to encourage us to move on and improve the system and no doubt gets frustrated with the Council's lack of understanding of the full implications of the computer world. l should also wish to thank both Lyn Salisbury and Bo Priestley for their contribution towards educating the Trust Council in showing ways to improve our web-site.

The Policy Committee chaired by Patrick Davies meets regularly to both monitor and comment on key development proposals for Winchester as well as on planning legislation issued by both local authority and central government, particularly where it is likely to affect Winchester. Trawling through mountains of documentation issued by administering departments and spending time understanding them must be a demanding task. Our thanks to Patrick and his committee for undertaking this work.

Plans for the future

Many of our activities are on-going:


On behalf of the Trust, l should like to thank Mollie Francis and Janet Wiles. Mollie has not only undertaken PR duties but also has acted as an agent, master-minding the refurbishment of the top flat at the Heritage Centre, which is in progress. Janet has amongst other duties helped with the Winchester walks programme and the expeditions lain has been responsible for. Many thanks to you both for your hard work and humour in keeping the Trust day to day business in order.

Public Benefit

In setting objectives for the year, the Trust Council has given careful consideration to the Charity Commission's general advice on public benefit and is mindful of the need to report on how its aims have been achieved during the year. The Trust was founded in 1957 for the purposes and objects set out later in this report, and continues to carry out its work in serving the public interest.Governing Document

The City of Winchester Trust Ltd. (the Trust) was founded in 1957 and incorporated as a company limited by guarantee in 1958. As such it has no share capital. The liability of individual members is limited to a sum not exceeding five pence. it is governed by its Memorandum and Articles of Association, which was last amended in 2000. The Trust is registered as Company number 00609812 and Charity Number 251798.

Organisational Structure

The Council has responsibility for the management and control of the Trust. However certain financial functions are delegated to the Finance and Resources Committee and other panels and groups are formed and their leaders appointed by Council for specific purposes, projects and continuing activities. Council members are elected for three years at the Annual General Meeting but may stand for re-election at the end of their term.

Council members act as trustees of the charity and directors of the company limited by guarantee.

The Objects of the Trust

The Trust's objects are fully described in the Memorandum of Association. They can be summarised as follows:

To seek to conserve the character of the City of Winchester and its surrounding area by:

Investment Obiectives. Powers and Policies

The investment powers of the Council are given by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The investment objectives of the Trust are to preserve and enhance the real value of its investment portfolio to allow the charity the ability to finance its annual and long term activities.

The investments are to be managed on a Non-Discretionary basis by Rathbone Investment Management in consultation with representatives of the Trustees. The primary point of contact at the Trust should be the Honorary Treasurer.

The investment objective is to achieve a balance between capital growth and income generation, with a medium risk profile.

Monetary investments are to be managed within policies set out by the Trust Council. The scope of the policies are:

Property investment is either used for charitable purposes or to produce income to fulfil those charitable purposes. This means that the Heritage Centre is used for the operation of the Trust, and the two small flats are let to provide income for the Trust because membership subscriptions alone would not generate enough income to enable the Trust to carry out all its projects and activities.

Property Revaluation Policy

The Trust adopts the policy of revaluing its property every five years, commencing 31 March 2003.

Reserves Policy

The annual accounts show the assets and liabilities attributable to the funds by type and which are approved by the Council. The Council plans its expenditure within available resources whilst maintaining reserves which gives the Trust flexibility to achieve its aims for the foreseeable future.

Risk Management

The Council has reviewed the major risks to which the Trust is exposed, as identified by the Council, and is satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate those risks.

Council Responsibilities

It is a requirement of company law for the Council to prepare financial statements for each accounting period. They must give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Trust and of the surplus or deficit for that period. The Council must:

The Council is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which should be able to disclose at any time the financial position of the Company and enable the Council to ensure compliance with the Companies Act 2006. The Council is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Trust and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other financial irregularities.

During the period under review the Charity has complied with the provisions of the Charities Act 2011.

lndependent Examiners

Butler & Co. have been appointed as Independent Examiners and will be proposed for re-appointment.

Small Company Status

This Report has been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act, 2006 relating to Small Companies.

On behalf of the Council

signed K Leaman
7 July 2015