
St. Cross - Trust Annual Report 1969

This year St. Cross has been delcared a Conservation Area. As the Preservation Trust has constantly pointed out, St. Cross has always seemed very vulnerable to the development of the Winchester traffic plan.When the roads are widened at the north side of the City and this is scheduled to continue to the south, everything is eventually to be funnelled through the narrow road at St. Cross, whose building line is henceforth to be protected.

The Preservation Trust was asked to comment on the conservation proposals, and after discussion the proposal was made that St. Faith's churchyard should be included and the east side of the river bank at St. Cross Mill should also be added. The trees surrounding the area should also be protected as they were considered of great importance to the area. The churchyard was included, but not the eastern river bank of the Itchen as it was felt that this was unlikely to be threatened. The trees are to have the protection of a Preservation Order.