
Finance - Trust Annual Report 1970

The finances of the Trust continue to be Satisfactory with the debt to Winchester Corporation reduced to £1,250. This remains free of interest until August 8th, 1971, by which time it will have been reduced still further.

During the year it was found that the subscription for Associates no longer met the cost of membership due to the rise in postal charges and printing expenses. The Committee decided that in future all new members would join the Trust as full members and that Associates would be given the option of continuing on the existing arrangements or becoming full members.

It is satisfactory to report that covenants have been received from 85 members and this brings with it a considerable increase of income due to reclaimed tax. It has the added advantage of saving considerable administrative expenditure, and it is hoped that more members will see their way to adopting this convenient way of giving greater support to the work of the Trust.