
Progress - Trust Annual Report 1975

In previous Annual Reports, we have drawn attention to the changes due to be brought about by 'the reorganisation of Local Government. This has duly taken place and the Winchester district Council now has its own. Planning Department, enabling the Trust to work much more closely with the Authority.

This has been a big Step forward, and the participation of the Trust in commenting on the planning applications has given committee members a great deal of work in scrutinising plans and visiting sites. in readiness for the more frequent Planning Committee meetings.

As a result of this, a new structure has evolved to allow the additional work to be spread. Two subcommittees have been established to deal with commercial and residential applications and a third deals with amenities. Consideration has been given during the year to thirty eight planning applications affecting preservation issues in Winchester. In many cases the decision has been in accordance with views expressed by the Trust. We believe that the Planning Committee has found this procedure of value, and enables them to take a sounding of public opinion at the time when decisions are being made.

On two Occasions, during the year we have had the advantage of meeting the architects entrusted with important development sites in Winchester, and we have been able to discuss the plans and models together.

Here at last is active participation in planning matters. To take full advantage of the new legisiation and reorganisation of local government, we depend for effectiveness on the total membership represented by an active and hard working committee.

Changes in the local scene which have recently been completed, were in the main approved before the reorganization took place and are not the result of decisions by the new Council.