
Finance - Trust Annual Report 1981

The comparatively healthy state of the Trust's finances continues, inasmuch as we are able to keep adequate reserves invested in interest-bearing deposits, and then use the interest for our activities. We have also been able to embark on a regular budgetary plan for the current financial year to cover the cost of proposed projects and the expected administrative expenses of the Trust. Although our funds also allow us to make some small outright grants or donations towards the projects of other organisations such as the M3 Joint Action Group or the appeal for St. Peter's Church Chesil Street, we are not yet able to purchase neglected buildings for restoration and future sale, or fund major schemes on our own. Our financial contribution in such circumstances might involve guaranteeing a sum to make up any temporary shortfall, or to starting the ball rolling by financing grant applications, seeking donations or loans, or otherwise ensuring that important initial steps are taken.
