
Lectures - Trust Annual Report 1981

The pattern of monthly lectures is well established though the unpredictable attendance can be embarrassing. This might be accounted for by mistakenly relying on the yearly printed card and by economising on advertising. Could it be that members need a reminder in the New Year? Your suggestions would be welcome.*

The October meeting dealing broadly with environmental education attracted few members but this was offset by the November meeting on housing in Winchester. The format and topic aroused so much interest that your Council was encouraged to arrange another discussion meeting in November 1981 on urban design. Trees in Towns, by Hugh Watson, in January this year illustrated very clearly the speaker's knowledge and interest in Winchester's tree problems, not least around the Westgate area. The important aspects of energy conservation in buildings were clearly defined by David Blood in the February lecture and this was followed by a talk in March on Conservation in Portsmouth. The Portsmouth Planning Officer gave an enthusiastic account of Victorian housing in Portsmouth and whetted our appetites for a possible future talk on the Mary Rose.

The current list of meetings should appeal to those members with wide ranging interests. We look forward to the President's talk on Winchester at our A.G.M., followed in October with an account of how Romsey manages its building conservation policy. In January there will be another chance to hear educational experts outline the help given to children on understanding their town. The February meeting will provide an opportunity to meet the new Head of the Winchester School of Art, and in March the erudite George Perkin will enlighten us on recent British architecture.
