
Winchester Heritage Centre - Trust Annual Report 1982

Houses in Upper Brook Street

As referred to in previous Reports, the Trust has long recognised the need for a heritage centre in Winchester and has been seeking an appropriate location. During 1981 we looked at the vacant and rapidly deteriorating properties of 52/54 Upper Brook Street and, considering them suitable, made enquiries to see if they could be used, at least for a pilot scheme. The buildings are early 19th century semi-detached houses conveniently sited close to the central car park. Plans have been prepared which show how interior conversions could provide large and small rooms for displays and meetings, and planning permission has been obtained for the change of use.

The City Council has shown its support by granting a three year rent-free licence, and the County Council has made a grant of £2,750 towards the cost of restoration. A generous donation from a Trust member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has got the Trust off to a good start in the search for further funds, and applications have been made to other organisations, with an encouraging initial response in at least one instance. Meetings held with representatives of national and local bodies interested in the scheme have proved enormously helpful, with many offers of help and expert advice. It is generally held that the proposed centre will fulfil a useful and complementary role in the Local Authorities' plans for the development of the City's historic resources, providing an initial point of introduction for visitors, schools and others, so that they may better understand Winchester's heritage.

In order to stretch limited funds, it is proposed that some of the restoration and conversion work should be carried out by volunteers, and one of the Committee's tasks is to provide the necessary organisation and supervision. A first stage of professional work in repairing the roofs and guttering is under way, but we shall soon need volunteers and any offers of help would be most welcome.
