
Membership - Trust Annual Report 1984

Membership of the Trust has increased in the last year to just under the 600 mark. It is interesting that however they came to join us, new members almost invariably do so because they believe that the Trust's role as the City's environmental conscience is vital for the future of Winchester. It is disappointing to learn that so few knew of our existence until introduced by friends, or if they knew, had not previously realised that we were other than an antiquarian society. We are not great publicists and tend to shrink from trumpet blowing, so please continue the good work: bring in your friends and talk about your society's work whenever you can. There is plenty to talk about, as you will read later in the Report; the pressure is on to change the City, whether by sweeping develop¬ment or well-meant tinkering. We have no objection to change, but we want it to enhance, not devalue, the character of Winchester.

We are very sad to report the deaths during the past year of three eminent members of the Trust. Mrs. Doris Crompton, an honorary life member and ex-Mayor of Winchester, and Sir John McNee, both early members of the Trust Council were people of vision ahead of their time to whom Winchester owes much. We also miss a good friend in Ivor Webb, a past Council-member and an active participant in the Development control committee until his death in March.