
Inter - Society Meeting - Trust Annual Report 1984

On a Saturday last October, at the suggestion of the Chichester Society, three representatives of the Trust went to Chichester to meet a group of them and three similar groups from the Lewes, Portsmouth and Fareham Societies. The meeting was chaired by our hosts who had organised two very simple sessions: in the morning we discussed our experiences and problems with the planning authorities in our areas, and in the afternoon we swapped information about the running of our societies.

Everyone enjoyed the day and benefited from the opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. It was decided not to form a federation but to continue to meet once a year on a regular basis, with the opportunity for any society to request a special meeting if necessary. Any amenity society may join or leave and we shall all merely keep lists of 'corres¬ponding' societies who wish to be invited.

Since the Winchester Heritage Centre provides an ideal venue, the Trust will host the 1984 meeting there in October or November.
