
Urban Studies Committee - Trust Annual Report 1987

The Committee has continued the highly successful series of lunchtime talks, usually at the Heritage Centre, which it instituted last year.

We have indeed been fortunate to have speakers of the quality of Colin Stansfield Smith, the County Architect; Andrew Rutter, the City Conservation Officer; Rodney Hubbuck, author of "Wayfarer's Winchester"; Rex Beddis, Humanities Adviser for Avon County; and Mike Morris of the City Archaeologist's Department, who is directing the Brooks excavation. These talks were well attended and generally led to lively discussions.

A new departure was a series of informal evening meetings at the Heritage Centre designed to provide an opportunity for members to meet some of those involved in the design of new buildings in Winchester.

Discussions were led by Noel Mullins, Winchester City Council's Director of Housing and Architecture, on Sheltered Housing; by local architect, Keith Leaman, on Speculative Private Housing; and by the Project Architect on the Chesil Street Multi-storey Car Park.