
Peninsula Barracks - Trust Annual Report 1988

After several years of delay, events began to move during 1988 with considerable rapidity. The delay was due, apparently, to uncertainties as to the ownership of the site, but these have been resolved and it is to be disposed of by the Crown Estate Commissioners and the Property Services Agency.

There was growing concern as to whether the provisions of the Winchester Area Local Plan would be adhered to, but fears on this score have been largely allayed and the Revised Planning Brief issued recently by Winchester City Council closely reflects the policies set out in the Plan.

The Lower Barracks site has already been put on the market for development. The Upper Barracks will be developed separately at a later stage, but will very largely retain its existing appearance.

The Trust has formed a working party to monitor all developments. Our particular concerns will be with architectural standards, particularly related to the, largely, residential development on the lower site; the effects on traffic; and with the need to ensure that adequate provision is made for archaeological study and protection. We have written to the Chairman of the Crown Estates Commissioners on the latter subject, and have supported a request by Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust that there should be public consultation before a developer is finally selected for the Lower Barracks site.

There can be no historic town in England at present that faces a more challenging task than the development of this site occupying 15.9 acres in a dominating central position and of unique historic and archaeological importance.