
Newsletter Deliveries - Trust Annual Report 1988

Virtually the whole City Wards area and several of the villages surrounding Winchester are covered by the Trust's hand-delivery system which saves an enormous amount of postage. The system is run in a super-efficient manner by Mrs Brit Croft, aided by a substantial army of volunteers, to all of whom we are most grateful.

Those involved soon learn to appreciate the tribulations that postmen endure daily - stiff letterboxes which nip your fingers and often need two hands to operate at all, draught-exclusion brushes which are virtually impenetrable, and awkward vertical slits at 'backbreaking' ankle height. One of our most experienced deliverers (Area H), strongly recommends that anyone who is thinking of replacing a letterbox should give serious consideration to the lift-up flap type, which is both easy to operate and an efficient draught excluder.