
Lectures, Walks and Talks - Trust Annual Report 1992

"Visions of Winchester" a series of five lectures at the Guildhall organised by the the Urban Studies Committee was an ambitious project and was in one way a great success with an average of about sixty-five people attending each of the talks. Many were regular attendees and we understand found the series both stimulating and educational which was certainly our intention! In another way it was disappointing that only a small percentage of the audience were members of the Preservation Trust. However, we have been sufficiently encouraged to launch Lecture Series II with European speakers describing planning in their historic cities. This will consist of three lectures and will take place in the New Year. Details will be given in the next Newsletter.

At the Annual General Meeting in October 1991 Ted Cullinan gave a stimulating talk on Responsive Modern Architecture and other events for members during the year have been three very enjoyable walks led by Andrew Rutter, Chris Webb and Michael Carden, and a visit to Guildford at the invitation of the Guildford Society.