
Roger Backhouse Writes - TrustNews May 02

We have had a lot of very encouraging feedback about our first edition of TrustNews. I hope that you all enjoyed reading it. Please remember that we are anxious to receive your views and to hear from anybody who thinks that they can help us.

This edition is smaller but includes important information about the walks organised by the Trust during the summer months. I would like to thank all those who are prepared to give their time to enable members and non-members to learn more about our splendid city, and especially Nick McPherson who has made all the arrangements.

Friarsgate Action Body

Inevitably most of our work is reactive to proposals made by others and it is difficult to take any initiative over developments that are proposed in the city. It is important though to prepare for what may be controversial matters in the future. To that end we have set up a small group to focus on the proposed Friarsgate development. We have called this group the Friarsgate Action Body (FAB). At least it is a catchy title! At the outset we are obtaining information about who owns the various sites. One estimate is that there are over thirty site owners who will be affected (see the plan of Friarsgate in the February TrustNews). We are also looking into the history and the listed status of some of the buildings.

Proposals from the preferred developers, Thornfield, are still awaited. The delays are caused principally because they do not yet have enough detail about the County's proposals for traffic. Some contact has been made between FAB, Thornfield and their likely architect. No firm proposals are likely to be produced for some months, but when they are the Trust should be ready to make informed comment. I have been greatly encouraged by the willingness of the parties who will be making the proposals to talk to us and to discuss matters with us. In due course we shall be seeking the views of the membership. We want to try to avoid any repetition of the mistakes made over the Brooks development.


There is no doubt that an increased membership will give the Trust more clout. If you know anyone who might be interested in joining, please contact the Secretary for an information pack to help you persuade them.