
Visit from Chichester - TrustNews Sept 2003

Chichester Conservation Advisory Committees

Conservation Advisory Committees, have been set up by several Local Authorities to advise them on the care of their conservation areas. They are independent bodies made up of local architects and representatives of other organisations who have particular conservation expertise.

The group from Chichester who visited the City of Winchester Trust on Wednesday 25th June included representatives of RICS, RIBA, RTPI, The Georgian Group and West Sussex Tree Wardens.

They wanted to hear of our problems and find out how we operated. After an exchange of views, concerns and ideas they were taken on a brief guided tour of the City starting at the Brooks and finishing at the Cathedral Refectory.

They necessarily operate in a completely different way from the Trust and, because of their nature, report directly to Chichester Council. In no way do they replace a civic society, although The Chichester Society is represented on the CCAC.

During discussions we heard their views on localised planning decisions, a subject of current debate in Winchester. Some supported this innovation but others had a totally opposed view.

We were grateful to Richard Macullach, Winchester's Conservation Officer, for attending the meeting and explaining the new Conservation Area Policy document. Chichester Council has no Conservation Officer.

It was an informative visit by a group dedicated to the furtherance of conservation in Chichester.

R.B. Merton