
Street Scene - TrustNews Jun 04

I wrote about this in the last Trust News and showed the clutter of signs at the railway bridge in Upper High Street. Members who responded deplored the scene there and similar clutter elsewhere. One member complained particularly of bicycle stands recently placed in the centre of the pavement at the top of St. Swithun's Street. Why there and not against nearby walls? she asked. A considerable hazard for a blind person and so unnecessary. Another member commented on how long 'new road layout ahead' signs linger. When does a new layout cease being new? Three months perhaps. Some seem to remain for ever.

On the broad topic of street signs and furniture, The Chairman and I have met Robin Cooper, Director of Development Services at Winchester City Council. Our suggestions that policies be prepared to coordinate the style and placing of street furniture did not fall on stony ground. Mr Cooper suggested, as a first step, that the Trust identify a street in the city which is a good example of clutter of signs and 'furniture'. He would then seek to work with the other agencies on a coordinated style.

We also discussed the proliferation of yellow signs put up unlawfully by builders. Responsibility for their removal lies with Hampshire County Council and we await action. Meanwhile we would welcome members' suggestions for a street to be 'made over' as Robin Cooper suggested. Please let us have your suggestions at the Heritage Centre by 30,th June. A bottle of sherry for the person who suggests the street selected by the Chairman, whose decision will of course be final.

lain Patton