
The Late Mrs. Barbara Thackery - TrustNews Sept 05

Mrs. Barbara Thackeray died peacefully at Sutton Manor on 30th January aged 91. She was a longstanding member of the Trust and an active supporter of its aims and aspirations. Under the terms of her will many charities were named as beneficiaries, and among them was The City of Winchester Trust to which she left a very generous £500.

She was Councillor for the Ward of St. Bartholomew from 1952, becoming Mayor in 1955. After her period in office she held many other pivotal positions in the life of the City and the County. Amongst other posts she served as a Trustee of The Hospital of St. Cross, was Vice President of the County Branch of the Red Cross and was Secretary to the Friends of Winchester Cathedral.

She will long be remembered for her dedication to all the civic and charitable enterprises in which she was involved. She brought a sparkle to all to which she put her hand.