
The Black Swan A story of our Time - TrustNews March 2007

Once upon a time there was a Black Swan that lived on a building in Winchester on the corner of Southgate Street in Winchester’s Conservation Area where it was admired by passers by and valued by the citizens as a longstanding local asset. One day, the Black Swan disappeared from the building but nobody seemed to know why although there were rumours that there had been an accident.

Enquiries established that the building belonged to Winchester City Council. Now it happened that the granddaughter of the craftsman who had carved the Black Swan many years ago heard about this sad loss and told the City Council that one of her relations would be able to restore the bird to its former glory. But the City Council said it was not their concern because the building was leased to the Atlantic Housing Association so she would have to talk to them. This she did and the person she spoke to agreed to look into it and ‘get back to her’.

Months went by and nothing happened so she contacted the City of Winchester Trust who agreed to help in this quest for restoration. They too contacted the City Council and the Atlantic Housing Association with similar results though the representative from the Housing Association assured the Trust that he would contact the granddaughter of the original craftsman to arrange for the restoration. To date he has not done so …the Trust will continue this quest. (To be continued)