
Chairman's Miscellany - TrustNews August 09

Before putting pen to paper, or rather fingers to keyboard, I decided to check the OED for the word miscellany. A mixture, a medley - just as I thought although I feel that some of my efforts could be described as ragbags. One's eyes always stray beyond the word being checked and so I see also that I am a Miscellanarian. Maybe, but it does not help the Chairman's task.

I wrote in the June issue of the great amount of work undertaken by the Policy Group on the worrying matters of Barton Farm and Bushfield Down. The members of that group are still very busy with those topics and are likely to remain so for many months. It is pleasing that their efforts to publicise our views have resulted in the Trust being asked to join working groups concerned with each site.

I am pleased to tell you that the Council recently co-opted Peter Rees as a member. Peter has extensive experience in education and management. I am sure he will be a great asset to the Trust. I hope that he will be elected as a member of Council at the Annual General Meeting next month. Already, he is undertaking a review of the past operation of the Chippindale Venture to see if it is feasible to revive it in these changed times. No easy task.

Many members have enjoyed our varied progamme of summer walks. The remaining walks are detailed elsewhere in this issue. Plans are being made for another programme of talks in the winter months to follow the most successful season earlier this year. Later in this issue, you will read an enthusiastic report of a visit to Roche Court and Farley Church. I hope that it will be possible to have a programme of visits next year but these can only take place if supported by members.

The Trust Council has decided that future visits will be publicised in TrustNews and by email. It is possible that, because of timing the latter will be the only means so if you have an email address, please make sure that it is known to our Secretary. Applications will have to be supported by payment.

I hope to see you at the AGM on 15th September.

Iain Patton


It is greatly regretted that the obituary for the late Jeffrey Smith, published in the last issue, failed to mention his two daughters. That omission is impossible to explain but we apologise most humbly to them both for the hurt this caused.