
Christmas Cards - TrustNews March 2009

The Trust sells its Christmas cards each year mainly through the Charity Christmas cards shop run by volunteers from the Courtyard café at the rear of the Guildhall. We are most grateful to the organising committee which this Christmas enabled 43 charities to market their cards.

The Trust has recently commissioned two new cards a year with the aim of each new card spanning two Christmases. Thus there is often the opportunity for supporters to have a choice of four Trust cards to buy. We have been pleased with the response, since over £1,800 of sales have been achieved in both 2007 and 2008. Perhaps especially gratifying has been the quality of the artwork and the printing. We have Keith Leaman to thank for his 2007 painting of Cheyney Court, originally a presentational work for Pat Edwards on her retirement from the chairmanship of the Trust. Tricia Spink painted the imaginative Winchester Setting for us in 2007 and then the dramatic and imposing North transept of the Cathedral in 2008. The other card in 2008 was of a digital print from an original painting by N.E.Green of the Westgate (1889). Our founder member and vice president Jeffrey Smith has presented this painting to the Trust in memory of Pat Edwards. We thank most warmly the artists, the donor and Sarsen Press, the printers of our cards.