
Blueprint - TrustNews Dec 10

Open meeting at the Guildhall on Saturday November 6th

This event, which was announced at the AGM and for which an invitation was sent to all members, was extremely well attended with 135 people around discussion tables for two hours. The event was arranged by the Trust in conjunction with the Winchester Action on Climate Change [WinACC] and Winchester Area Community Action [WACA] in response to Winchester City Council’s request to us to help them obtain the views of the public on Winchester’s future.

135 people: two hour discussion

The topics, each lead by a facilitator, included: housing, sustainability, transport, landscape, education, culture, sport and the economy. Each topic was discussed at tables of up to 10 people, with tables being duplicated where more than 10 wished to join one of the topics. As suggested at the outset some people moved from table to table while others stayed put. Discussion was very lively and no one seemed ready to stop when the time came!

Detailed input from each discussion group has been gathered, and the joint steering committee now has to draw up a formal response to WCC before December 10th. This will be put on our website and will be reported in the next TrustNews. The public consultation exercise will not then be over, because WCC intends to hold a major meeting on the subject in the New Year, when we may learn to what extent we have been able to influence the thinking leading to the Local Development Framework that will govern forward planning for the next ten to twenty years.

You can find out more about “Blueprint” at http://www.community-blueprint.co.uk/