
Review of the 2010 Summer Walks Programme - TrustNews Dec 10

Looking back over the programme, we felt it included a good range of subjects; from the historic to the new, from the well known to the more technical and sometimes to the hidden or under-appreciated. All in one way or another were relevant to the appreciation of some part of Winchester’s character.

We continued later in to September than usual as we had more offers from experts and enthusiasts to lead groups than had been expected. The Trust is fortunate in being able to count on the goodwill of so many who have a range of expertise and knowledge both among its members and from other Winchester based bodies like our two local authorities, the tourist guiding fraternity and local architects. The walks are only as good as its leaders so we should not only value and appreciate those who have provided their services in the past but also seek others with new knowledge to impart.

The way we run the walks does not give advance knowledge of numbers which can vary from a dozen to over 50. While it is good that so many want to attend, numbers at the upper end can cause concerns over managing a big group, worries about traffic safety and difficulty in hearing the leader. We want to avoid a formal booking system but we may need to introduce this for one or two walks which we judge to be likely to attract high numbers.

Looking forward to planning next year’s programme, I have had suggestions for subjects and we welcome other ideas and also the names of individuals who are knowledgeable about a relevant subject whom we could approach.

John Beveridge

Dear Editor

I should like to thank all those who organised and lead the Thursday evening walks this past summer. They were all most interesting yet different as we were able to hear about the subject, “from the horse’s mouth”, from the designer, architect, enthusiast or other expert in the subject.

My only concern is that the walks are becoming the victim of their own success and the large numbers on some walks meant it was sometimes difficult to get close enough to the speaker to hear, especially when the walk went along traffic laden streets. I believe there used to be a system of registering one’s intention to attend. Reinstatement of this system via e-mail would add a layer of administration and penalise those without computer access but I think some way of limiting numbers should be explored.

In spite of worrying about numbers I recommend the walks as a very pleasant way to spend a summer evening, learn a lot and get to know some of the other members.

Margaret Barber
1, St.James Lane, Winchester