
Chairman's Miscellany - TrustNews Sept 11

It is always difficult to know how to start this quarterly column. Punchy, tabloid style eludes me so it has often been a slow start. This is my sixteenth Miscellany and the last. I will retire as Chairman at the Annual General Meeting on 26th September and be succeeded by Keith Leaman. This was the decision of the Trust Council in July. It is hard to remember that I succeeded the redoubtable Pat Edwards almost four years ago and a great deal of hard work has been done by Trustees and other members in that time. This continues and will never end.

The shifting sands of government thinking cause great concern. I fear the prospect of a “Build where you wish” policy, although it would certainly be dressed up to create a different picture. In the immediate future, the decision of the Secretary of State on the Barton Farm application is awaited with some trepidation and may even be known when you read this.

Our membership secretary, Judith Rich, has hit her stride with ther membership records. Over the years, they grew like Topsy but now they are in sensible order and easy to operate. If you have not yet made a Gift Aid declaration you may receive a gentle request from Judith to reconsider. Every little helps, as the ad says. We can recover over £800 each year at present and it would be even better if it could be more.

With some sadness, I must tell you that Robin Merton has decided to retire from the Trust Council. He has served as a Trustee for many years and was Chairman between 1997 and 2001 and a Vice-Chairman thereafter. Robin’s clarity of thought, brevity and ever-willing support will be a great loss.

I conclude with my warmest thanks to the Trustees, members who serve in the various groups and in other capacities and to Vicky Feldwick for her support and calm.

Iain Patton