
Partnership with WinACC on Home Energy Project - TrustNews Mar 12

Register for Home Energy check

Winchester Action on Climate Change (WinACC) were recently given the opportunity to apply for a grant for a range of energy conservation projects but, although a charity, they discovered at the last minute that they were not eligible because they are not, as we are, a limited Company. Very supportive of the project and having a good working relationship with WinACC the City of Winchester Trust agreed to act as the applicant in partnership with WinACC, who are doing all the work and have indemnified the Trust against any liability for the cost.

WinACC's proposals were accepted and a grant of £74,000 has been offered for three carefully planned and costed projects, to commission:

The grant comes from the Department of Energy and Climate Change and is administered by the Local Energy Assessment Fund in association with the Energy Saving Trust.

The City of Winchester Trust is particularly interested in the house insulation project because of the heat lost through solid walls in so much of our older housing stock.

Later solid wall housing may often be improved with external insulation, but listed brick houses and those in conservation areas can only be insulated internally. Many owners are reluctant to consider this option because of the perceived problems, so the experience gained by this project will demonstrate exactly what is at stake.

WinACC will be giving up to £10,000 to the owner of a home preferably in a conservation area or a listed building in Winchester district to help them put insulation on the inside of their external walls. The judges need to be sure that the works can be finished by 31 March. So anyone with a property that is already empty will be in a strong position. Someone who would need permission (for example, because of historic internal features) would be unlikely to qualify.

The winning property will be an example of how to do this type of insulation. It will feature in a case study and publicity about internal solid wall insulation, and the owner must promise to show people round and tell them honestly about what was done, what it cost, how much trouble it was, and what difference it has made to comfort and bills, at mutually convenient, pre-arranged times a few days a year. So the judges will also take into account the commitment of the home-owner to home energy reduction as a contribution to tackling climate change, and how useful the property will be as an example to other home-owners.

Details of how to apply for your free home energy check appear overleaf.