
Open Gardens 2012 - TrustNews Sept 12

The third "open gardens" event was spread over two days, Sundays 17th and 24th June. Fourteen gardens were open to members and their guests and one garden at 12 Christchurch Road opened on both days with teas provided. Members and guests made at least 500 visits and some with great energy visited almost all the gardens.

The object of the event is to give members an opportunity to visit a variety of gardens of enthusiasts and there to meet other members with a common interest. It works. Incidental to that but useful to the Trust is the money raised from donations and from teas. The combined total was £461.67.

None of this would be possible without the enthusiasm, commitment and hard work of those members who laid their gardens open. Warmest thanks are due to them. Perhaps the best measure of the success of the event are the words of a visitor to the garden of Wolvesey Lodge "I've been transported to another world. Many thanks."

Trust's new President

Iain Patton