
Winchester's Local Plan-What next? - TrustNews Jun 13

In the last TrustNews we reported that the Planning inspector had found the City Council's Local Plan to be “sound” and that the Council would shortly be asked to adopt it. This has now happened and the City is proceeding to prepare Part 2 of the Plan which will set out more detailed policies for the City. The Trust Policy Group has been considering the most important issues affecting the City over the next twenty years and what we should be seeking to achieve in further representations to the Council.


The purpose of Local Plan Part 2 is to plan for the ‘objectively assessed needs‘ of the area. This includes the type and location of housing needed, the development or redevelopment of employment areas, a review of the shopping area and provision of community facilities and open space, and other matters that need a planning response.

The Policy Group is still ?nalising its response and is likely to include the following topics:

Local Heritage Listing

We will raise again the need for the City to identify buildings which make a significant contribution to the character of the City using the criteria suggested by English Heritage.

Winchester Station/Carfax Area

This area should include the Cattle Market car park and areas linking to the City Centre. We will support a mixed use development here. We will suggest that there needs to be an ‘Action Plan’ to guide future development and to ensure the quality of the public realm. The aim would be to make the area a pleasanter place not just to move through to the city centre, but also to linger and live.

Housing Numbers

Of the 4000 houses required to be provided in Winchester Town up to 2031, all but 600 have already been identified. With unpredicted windfall sites providing a substantial source of housing in recent years, a significant proportion of the 600 should be provided in the same way, based on a realistic assessment of past trends.


We remain concerned that the inspector has agreed that there should be should 20 hectares of employment use at Bush?eld. If this site is released it should be done in such a way as to minimise the damage to the National Park and Winchester's setting. The Trust believes this site can only be considered in a comprehensive way and that no piecemeal development should be allowed on part of the site. We hope to take part in further discussions with the City Council on these issues.

Patrick Davies
Chair, Policy Group