
Winchester Festival 2013

Winchester Festival 2013 - TrustNews Jun 13

Friday 12th July, 6.30pm Guildhall

Sir Roy Strong & Brian Sewell

The Insider and The Outsider

Sir Roy Strong - one time Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum and of the National Portrait Gallery, Chairman of the Arts Council's Arts Department, Deputy Chairman of the South Bank Board, leading man of the Arts — The Insider.

Brian Sewell — banned by the Mayor of Manchester for remarks about L S Lowry, told never to set foot in the Royal College of Art, hugely revered Art Critic for the Evening Standard for 20 years, he talks with great courage, passion & wit but regrets that many have not listened — The Outsider.

Tickets: £14 Sponsored by ADAM ARCHITECTURE.

Wednesday 10th July, 6.00pm Discovery Centre

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw and Stephen Hodder, President Elect of the RIBA

In association with the Hampshire Branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw and Steven Hodder MBE deliver the first of an annual series of lectures in which key architects share their experience and knowledge to promote the art and process of architecture in Hampshire.

Sir Nicholas Grimshaw is one of the leading architects of his generation. His buildings include the Eden Project and Waterloo International. http://gnmshaw-architects.com/

Stephen Hodder MBE has been in practice since 1983 and has won over 30 major awards, most notably the inaugural Stirling Prize for Architecture. http://wvwv.hodderandpartners.com/

Tickets: £10, students £5. RIBA, architecture.com

For the full programme of music, art and literary events
TICKETS and INFORMATION: 01962 857 276