
Time Gentlemen, Please! third edition - TrustNews Jun 13

Time Gentlemen Please! cover

By popular demand Phil Yates, our Honorary Member and author of “Time Gentlemen, Please!", has brought into his 3rd Edition all the changes to Winchester’s Pubs, Breweries and Hotels which have occurred since the publication of the 2nd edition in November 2007. There have been an amazing number of changes in such a relatively short period and it has been a remarkable achievement that Phil has recorded these with some 40 amended pages, with new establishments including three new mini-breweries and requiring some 14 new photographs. The 3rd edition will be printed in black with a silk coated finish, which will benefit the display of photographs. There will be a new coloured cover for the latest edition.

The book is again to be printed by Sarsen Press and the launch is planned for October 2013 in time to provide a useful Christmas present when available in Winchester bookshops for £9.95. Phil has donated profits of his book to the City of Winchester Trust and it has proved to be a most generous support for the Trust, for which we are very grateful.