Visit to Highgrove Garden - TrustNews Mar 14
It has been suggested that there is a visit to Highgrove Garden, Gloucestershire for Trust members on Thurs. 18th September, subject to availability, by coach.
As the garden tour takes approx. 2 hours, and is a walk of 2 miles, l suggest either lunch first at 12 noon, followed by garden tour at 2pm, or tour first at 12 noon followed by tea at 2pm. The garden tour and the restaurant must be booked, and the tour paid for at the time of booking. There are no picnic facilities in the garden. It is obligatory that we are there 15 minutes before our allotted time.
The maximum number for a tour is 26. Entry to the garden is £24.50. The coach will cost £25.00 per person in addition, providing we have a group of 26. This does not include the cost of refreshments. The garden has a very good website, well worth looking at.
If you are interested in visiting the garden please email Penny Patton, indicating whether you would prefer to be there for lunch or tea, or phone Win. 854272 by 17th March.